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To display a summary of the book, click on its title

Tekom survey - Technical Communication - International (in English)

ABC de la Rédaction Technique, Modes d’emploi, notices d’utilisation, aides en ligne par Ariane Mallender, Editions Dunod, Paris, 2002. 193 p.

The reference book of typographical rules in French

Single Sourcing: Building Modular Documentation

Web Design Tools and Techniques

Homepage Usability: 50 Websites Deconstructed

The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. (the reference for US English technical communication)

Apple Publications Style Guide February 2000

TidBITS Style Guide

Hot Text: Web Writing that Works

Designing E-Learning de Saul Carliner

Introduction - More info

Project Management for Technical Documentation

ISBN 1-873407-07-6, by Andrew Marlow

Table of contents